Sunday, July 8, 2012

Home Sweet Munich

I never thought I'd be so happy to get back to Munich!  We had a 4-day weekend to travel, and a group of us went to Barcelona.  The weather was perfect, the food was great, and the trip was really fun, but Barcelona was just not the same as Munich.  Barcelona was not as clean as Munich, and the trains were not as nice.  We couldn't drink the water.  People tried to rip us off.  It event took awhile to get used to speaking Spanish instead of German!  It was nice to have shops open all the time, instead of having them close at 8 like in Germany, and the Spanish food was so much better than German food.  Overall, the trip was still awesome, and I really liked Barcelona, but I'm glad to be back.  Pictures and stories will come soon - I have about a week and a half of blogging to catch up on, including my trip to Austria last weekend!  <3 München.

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