Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Deutsches Museum

Sometimes I forget that this trip is supposed to be educational as well as cultural and fun. This post is to document a few of the Nano-related things I have been doing.

Last Friday was the end of the lab week.  My lab project was called Magnetotransport.  My group consisted of me, my lab partner Elsbeth, and our tutor Steffi.  We learned about making semiconductors and nanowires, and got to visit our tutor's lab to do an experiment.  Then on Friday, each lab group presented their project to everyone in the program.  Presentations weren't until 2:00, so a few of us went out for a traditional Bavarian breakfast - Weißwurst.  This is what Weißwurst looks like:

I was not a fan, though it was better with the mustard.  After breakfast, we completed our quest to find soccer player posters! Unfortunately, the store was out of Gomez posters, but we were still able to get Müller posters.  Then we headed over to TUM for everyone's presentations.  It was really interesting to learn about what everyone did over the week.

Friday evening was the next soccer game - Germany vs. Greece.  The whole group went to one of the most famous Beer Gardens to watch it - Hirschgarten.  It is the biggest beer garden in Bavaria.  Germany won 4-2! After the game, we went Salsa dancing, which was so much fun :)

On Saturday, we had a cultural visit to the Deutsches Museum - the world's largest museum of technology and science.  We had a guided tour of the Nano exhibit.  The museum was very interesting and very interactive.  Then we explored a little more and saw boats, airplanes, a mine exhibit that was like walking through a mine, and the physics room, which had so many gizmos to play with and was very entertaining.

The entrance to the Deutsches Museum

A cool clock on the outside of the museum

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