Sunday, June 17, 2012

Excursion to Ammersee

Saturday was our first cultural excursion to Ammersee.  We went to a small town about a 45-minute train ride from Munich.  It was a very nice, hot, sunny day, which apparently is rare here.  We started the afternoon with a 1-hour hike to the top of a hill.  The hiking trail was very nice and reminded me of Starved Rock.  At the top of the will was a monastery.  The monastery, like all churches in Europe, was beautiful.  We got to look inside while a service was going on, so I couldn't take any pictures.

There was also an amazing view of the Germany countryside.  If you look closely, you can see the Alps in the distance.

 After eating lunch in the Bier Garten, we hiked back down and walked to Ammersee.  Claire and I brought our swimsuits, so we jumped into the lake, which was incredibly refreshing on a hot day.  Then everyone went our for ice cream.  The ice cream parlor served some of the most elaborate sundaes I have ever seen.

After coming home for the evening, a few of us went to the Greek restaurant next to our dorm, sat in the Bier Garten, and watched the soccer game.  The Bier Garten is very nice - there are Christmas lights hanging from the trees and there is a nice atmosphere.  It even stays light out until past 9:30 here.  It was a perfect German evening.


  1. Sounds like a great day! But why no pictures of the elaborate sundaes??

    1. I gave my camera to someone else when I was in the lake, and I didn't go get it back until after =/
