Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mein Name ist Jessica. Wie ist dein Name?

Yesterday morning, I had my first German class.  It was a fun first day, asking everyone's name over and over again in German.  Then we played a game where we each got a card with a German word on it, and we had to try to pronounce the word.  The first class was very short, and afterwards, we had our official welcome session and TUM campus tour.  We ate lunch at the student cafeteria - the "Mensa" - and got a taste of German dining hall food.  I tried a rice mixture that tasted like Ramen.  Some food was good, some was ok.  In the cafeteria, there is a machine that gives you money back for every plastic bottle you recycle.

After lunch, it was time for our bike tour of Munich.  One of the first places we visited was St. Peter's Church.  St. Peter's church was badly damaged in the bombings of WWII, and was rebuilt in the years following.  The interior of the church was beautiful.

Another site we visited was the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Then, we saw Theatinerkirche, another famous church that was damaged during the war.  Unfortunately, we only got to view the church from under and archway because it started downpouring in the middle of the tour.
 As we were waiting for the rain to stop, our tour guide told a few stories about German history during in World War II.  The square at which this church is located was the site of one of Hitler's first attacks, which ended in a bloodbath.  There's so much history in Munich it's amazing.  So much of this beautiful city was destroyed and reconstructed to look how it did in the past.  It's so strange to think that these streets and buildings were where a lot of important events took place.

Unfortunately, we could not finish our tour because of the rain.  The afternoon was relaxing, just went back to our rooms and got the internet set up.  Claire, Matt, Andrew, and I went to a Greek restaurant by our dorms for dinner.  Even though not speaking German is not a problem here, ordering food can still be difficult sometimes.

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