Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Sunday was the trip I had been looking forward to most since I got our schedule - we took a trip to Neuschwanstein.  We took a 2.5 hour train ride from Munich, and then a 10 minute bus ride to the town.  The town was full of tourists, it is definitely a huge attraction.  There are two big castles - a white one and a yellow one.  We only visited the white one, but here is a picture of the yellow one.
King Ludwig II's parents' castle
 The hike up to the white castle took about 30 minutes.  We also walked out to a rather questionable bridge to get a better view of the castle.  The view was amazing.  We also had a guided tour of the castle, but unfortunately, we were not allowed to take pictures inside.  It was an exquisite sight.
King Ludwig II's castle

Amazing view of the Alps

ZTA crown at a castle

View of the castle from the bridge

Friends at Neuschwanstein :)

In the next two hours we had before going back to Munich, we played in the little lake.  There was a pipe that went out into the water, so we were dancing, playing games, falling in, and having fun.  Nothing like a good view of the Alps with friends in Germany.


  1. Sweet pictures of the castles and the alps!

    But, um, the water and a white shirt? Perhaps not the best combination. =\

    Summer is in full swing there now?

    1. I didn't actually swim in the water, so it's ok. Yeah, the weather has been pretty nice lately. It only rains every few days now. Mostly it's hot and sunny
